Here you will learn more about us, our team, opportunities to join us and topical health news
Below you will find a series of questions we are often asked.
If the answer you are looking for is not here, please do not hesitate to contact us.
When you are referred to our service you will be given an appointment, if there are any necessary documents which need completed prior to the appointment you will be informed at the time of booking.
It is standard practice to liase with GPs and other health and social care organisations in order to gather relevant information which supports us in making decisions about your care. We use a digital care record system, called SystmOne. This allows relevant information from your records to be shared with your GP, making your care safer and more efficient.
Our contact phone number is 023 80 170 610
Whilst the majority of our appointments are booked via your GP practice, some can be pre-booked, the details of which you will find on the individual service pages of this website.
We operate from a number of sites around Southampton. At the time you book an appointment we will give you clear directions and can text the address to you. Should you have any difficulty finding the site, or are running late, please do call us.
We are not an emergency service. If you need immediate help, please contact either your GP or go to the Emergency Department of your local hospital.
You will need to be registered with a GP and living within the district we serve.
The health practitioner seeing you, if you require any treatment or procedures, will explain the protocol to you. This will be discussed confidentially and there will be time for you to ask any questions. You can choose to consent or decline a treatment if you so wish.
SPCL is committed to safeguarding all vulnerable patients who access our services. We work together with our partner organisations to safeguard vulnerable adults and children from all forms of abuse, neglect and exploitation. In line with Care Quality Commission (CQC), Fundamental Standards 2015, people who use our services will be protected from abuse, or the risk of abuse, and their human rights respected and upheld.
SPCL work together with health professionals such as your GP or named hospital Consultant. This can include sharing information about you to make sure the care you are given is the best, is right for you and meets your needs. You are able to opt out of us sharing your information. The Government has emphasised the importance of security and confidentiality in relation to personal information and has strengthened the legislation and guidance in this area, in particular through the Data Protection Act 2018.
SPCL have a legal duty to keep your information confidential. We share information about you with other healthcare providers to give you the best possible care. If you would not like your information shared with your GP or other healthcare providers, please tell the person you are seeing. We cannot give other organisations information without your consent, this might include education services, housing departments, or your employer. We cannot give information to a family member, should they contact us on your behalf, without your consent.
There might be a legal reason for us to share information about you however, for example, if a child is at risk. In such situations, we must, by law, share information with other organisations.
If you, or someone you know, has an appointment with us but doesn’t feel comfortable having the consultation in English, we can get an interpreter to join the consultation via telephone quickly and easily. Please simply let us know which language you would like and we can organise this in just a few minutes. There is no cost to you for this service.
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